
Information has been provided to Sprout for this course by consultants and volunteers with expertise or experience in areas relevant to this course. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and validity of information contained in the course, and it is considered true and correct at the time of publication, students of this course should make their own enquiries and seek further advice as appropriate, and should be aware that changes post publication may affect the accuracy and validity of the content. This course is designed as an aid to new producers and students must consider their own personal circumstances and should not wholly rely on information contained in this course, but seek further expert advice as appropriate. While Sprout makes all reasonable endeavours to keep its online courses up-to-date, information within this website is subject to change from time to time. Sprout reserves the right to change the contents and/or the method of assessment, to change or alter fees of any unit of study, to withdraw/any unit of study which it offers, to impose limitations on enrolment in any unit, and/or to vary arrangements for any unit without notification via the website.