Social Media – SPP

Social media is a valuable tool for small businesses in helping attract and engage customers, market produce and develop a brand however it does have downsides. It may not suit all personalities or businesses, and it requires ongoing work to ensure it's effectiveness. Developing a social media strategy is crucial for a successful social media presence.

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Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit you will have an understanding of:

  • what social media is
  • how it can be used successfully by your business
  • how to choose the most appropriate platform for your business
  • how to set up and manage an account
  • the variety of analytical functions available to you.

The learning outcomes from this social media unit complement the learning outcomes in the Marketing course.

Below you will see the course content. When you are ready, begin the course with the introduction. Once you have read through this click on mark complete to move to the next lesson.