Biosecurity & QA

Biosecurity is the protection of people, animals and the environment from infectious disease, pests and other biological threats. It is achieved through systems that aim to prevent disease introduction or spread, or mitigate an outbreak if it occurs, and are reliant on national and international policies and plans for dealing with a disease event. Stopping the entry, establishment and spread of unwanted pests and diseases is vital for some of our most important industries, and for protecting and preserving our native wildlife.

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learning outcomes

By the end of this online course you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and principles of biosecurity 
  • Know what resources are available to you to determine your own biosecurity issues
  • Understand the principles of Quality Assurance 
  • Identify the various QA accreditations 
  • Understand the basic principles of HACCP 
  • Know what resources are available to you to determine your own QA regulations

Below you will see the course content. When you are ready, begin the course with the introduction. Once you have read through this click on mark complete to move to the next lesson.